Harbor Terrace Sasebo Guest House


ModuleX products are specified in “Harbor Terrace Sasebo Guest House” which proposes new wedding style based on the concept, “ hige-end space”.
In wedding reception area, ModuleX’s downlight technology to hide the existence of lighting fixture as much as possible can successfully set off accent light from pendants and candles.
Also in chapel area, ModuleX 100 products are specified in the high ceiling whose height is 6.5m.
ModuleX’s precise optical control technology enables to provide sensitive but adequate lighting from only φ100 hole.


Product specification sheet

Project DATA

Project Reference Harbor Terrace Sasebo Guest House
Design and Construction TANSEISHA Co., Ltd.
Designer TANSEISHA Co., Ltd.
Photograph Nacása & Partners Inc.
Photo Credit TANSEISHA Co., Ltd.
Key Products ModuleX100、ModuleX80
Address 4-1 Shinminatomachi, Sasebo-shi, Nagasaki, 857-0855
Phone +81-956-42-0056
Toll-free Number +81-120-322-933
Hours 11:00-21:00 (Mon-Fri)
9:00-21:00 (Sat, Sun, National Holiday)
Closed Tuesday and Wednesday (New Year Holiday December30th-January 2nd )
URL http://www.ikk-wed.jp/