ModuleX Lighting control gears

We offer a variety of energy use options that help people enrich their feelings.
Let us introduce the industrial science technology that further improves the environment.
Structureware technology pleasantly unites people and the environment with lighting.


“Adapting technology” that comprehensively links lighting with many variables of the environment.

ModuleX Controls is a combination of lighting devices, advanced controlling technology and lighting design. The combination of these is developed as comprehensive technology to adapt lighting to blend in with the environment and people. ModuleX Controls offer comfortability as well as optimal use of energy.

“Adapting technology” that comprehensively links lighting with many variables of the environment.

Advanced and realistic technology

ModuleX’s product planning is not supplier dependent.
We have R D capabilities to optimize the use of industrial science and technology in a realistic manner to satisfy needs and wants of architects and their design.

Advanced and realistic technology

Merging various effects and technologies

With our refined lighting design and unique hardware, we can offer possibilities to enrich people’s feelings and enhance the harmony between buildings and their environment.
Our field of work is no longer limited to lighting. We aim to combine the technology of various professional fields to produce synergistic and even more versatile solutions.

Merging various effects and technologies